new bento gear!
Monday, May 23, 2011 at 1:15 PM
Bitty in bento 2.0 baby!, bento box - bento colors mini green, bento box - bento colors purple, bento box - origami squares, bento gear

YOU GUYS I'VE FALLEN AND I CAN'T GET UP. This is getting ridiculous.

So, three new boxes (oh, and a new set of short flower picks!):

Anyway, this was Thursday's lunch, which I didn't have a chance to post, packed in the Bento Colors purple.

Today's is back to an old standby, Ms. Bento, thanks to delicious soup leftovers courtesy of Chef Salvatore:

The bento presentation for my coworkers is this Thursday. I finished the Powerpoint presentation over the weekend, which includes two separate photo slideshows, and there will also be a two page handout. Which...okay, that sounds totally dorkalicious when I put it in writing. BUT IT WON'T BE LAME I SWEAR. No really, it'll be cool and awesome. There's even a color-coded cha-

Wait, where are you going...?

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