Entries from April 1, 2010 - April 30, 2010


travel bento

Took the train to Seattle this AM to visit Cat!!!!!!!!!!! We're doing a hardcore shut-in weekend of working on the final edit of my manuscript, because she is awesome. I've been looking forward to this for weeks and weeks, amen. Every aspect of it. Including the train trip. And the chance to pack a travel bento for the morning ride, all packed and ready to go.

pink "Natural Lunch" box:

  • kiwi slices
  • pixie tangerines
  • molded egg
  • yogurt and dark chocolate covered raisins



insert clever title here

Well, despite my thought last night, in the midst of a mini-Armageddon, that I would have to scrap a bento for today, I ended up awesoming to the nth degree and making one after all.

Ms. Bento tiffin:

  • broccoli & cheese baked potato (fresh steamed broccoli, cojack cheese, yellow heirloom potatoes)
  • more steamed broccoli (to add to the potato), carrot sticks, and a whole lotta honey peanut butter since I'm a bit low on protein otherwise
  • Sundance navel orange sections in one half, yogurt and dark chocolate covered raisins in the other

bento to the rescue!

I'm going to be gone Friday and Thursday, so unlike a normal week where I'm trying to cram 7 days of work into 5, this week I'm going to attempt to cramp 7 days of work into 4, and whatever's not done by Thursday will roll into next week, to be crammed into 4 days. And for my next trick, I'll cure cancer....

black strawberry box:

  • egg fried rice with heart-shaped carrots for garnish
  • Pixie tangerines with the last of the dried cherries as gap fillers
  • carrot sticks
  • yogurt and dark chocolate covered raisins

The fried rice was actually a last-minute "aha!" dish. Last minute, as in, "crap, it's 10:30 and I can't think of anything for tomorrow's lunch!". We had the jasmine rice that we'd had with skewers the weekend before last, and it needed to be eaten up, but I didn't really have much for a protein other than hard boiling some eggs. It finally dawned on me that I could combine the two, and that I had another leek that could be substituted for green onion (can you tell we have a few leeks to use up?). Scrounging in the freezer yielded the last little bit of a bag of frozen peas and carrots (maybe a quarter of a cup, if that), and voila! I scrambled up an egg, then added everything else. Since the rice had been made with beef broth, I didn't add anything else for flavor other than a bit of sea salt. Turned out pretty delicious and would've made a good dinner instead of the handful of cheese and crackers and leftover potato salad I'd eaten earlier in the evening while trying to get some work done.

The proportions are all out of whack, but I'm just glad to be eating something relatively healthy -- at 10:15 last night, it was looking like an eating-out-for-lunch day. But nope, bento saves the day again.


monday? again?

Back at it after a busy (but lovely) weekend. Went down to Salem Saturday to spend the day and night with family (Sister, Guy, and the Fabulous Miss M) and as usual, had a great time together. Sister wrote me earlier last week to say that Miss M had asked if she could come to Portland for a picnic with Aunt Bitty, at which point I melted all over the floor, and had we not already had plans to go down there anyway, I would've dropped whatever I was doing and immediately driven right down there and whisked her away for a full picnic at the park, replete with every treat and confection I could cram into a wicker picnic basket. Because obviously.

Came home yesterday afternoon to the house in disarray thanks mostly to Hobbes, whose freakouts at the least little change are now apparently SOP at Hall House. Sigh. (Yes, I need to get to the pet store to get some Rescue Remedy. It's my last best hope, so everyone who reminded/recommended, keep your fingers crossed for us that it actually works miracles. Otherwise my next purchase will be a kitty-sized straitjacket....)

But! Once that was dealt with, I plotted out our vegetable garden layout, then Sally, that lovely man, did the actual planting so I could squeeze in a bit of writing time. Everything's now in the ground, juuuuuust in time for a late spring cold snap that's supposed to roll in tonight.

Anyway, it was a beautiful day and evening, and very warm, so we fired up the grill and whipped up dinner together. Then watched a movie while we ate and had chocolate gelato later for dessert. Not bad for a random weekend.

Bunny box, bottom tier:

  • grilled chicken from last night's dinner (marinated first in a concoction of Worcestershire, garlic, oil, red onion, leek, dijon mustard, and sea salt)
  • homemade potato salad (red potatoes, hard boiled eggs, leeks, red onion, yellow mustard, whole grain dijon mustard, red wine vinegar, oil, sea salt)
  • carrot sticks and sweet pickles

top tier:

  • kiwi slices and supremed orange sections
  • "stripes" of yogurt raisins and dark chocolate covered raisins

Sir Not-Appearing-In-This-Bento:

  • in my pink strawberry sidecar (which I ate for breakfast before taking a picture) was vanilla and almond granola, a mini sidecar of Greek yogurt and strawberry preserves, and Braeburn apple slices

leftovers save the day...again

Another training to teach today. And somehow, my otherwise mostly-free-of-meetings day filled up with meetings. Wtf, over? Sigh. Sometimes I think my main job is attending meetings and all of my other responsibilities are just to fill the time in between (and before, and after, and late into the night...).

These are the days, more than any others, when I am so grateful for the fabulousness of leftovers.

  • fettucine with a marinara from the freezer -- Sal made it last fall with the last of the tomatoes from the garden, some thyme and rosemary from our herb garden, and some onion and mushrooms from our bin at the time; it made a huge batch so we froze the extra and it made for a pretty quick and yummy dinner last night and for lunch today
  • salad of mixed greens and rainbow carrots, with a simple vinaigrette in the little container
  • Sundance navel orange in one side, molasses cookie cut up in pieces in the other half

keeping count of the good things

Yeesh, I can't remember a time when my every day wasn't runrunrunrunrun at work. It's basically just variations of hectic. Too much. It didn't help that I didn't sleep well the night before last, even though the bed was freshly made with our luxurious new sheets and I'd taken a bath just before. This accumulated stress isn't good.

But things that are in the "good" column: our organics bin delivery was yesterday so our bare fridge filled up with yummy things again, I thus have a good and healthy lunch to get me through my 4(!) hours of meetings and 2 hours of teaching today, and tomorrow is a work-from-home day. THANK GOD.

Oh, and tonight is a new episode of Lost, and watching it with ProcrastiGirl (we decided that with these final episodes, we needed the solidarity and fortitude to survive the repeated brain explosions of awesome). AND this weekend is the Hall-Smiley family fun weekend. Yes, that's quite a nice list of things to be grateful for.

  • mixed greens with rainbow carrots and dried cherries, with a simple vinaigrette in my little sauce container
  • sticky rice with orange-ginger Thai sauce, with steam broccoli to fill the gap
  • grilled chicken skewers marinated with a Thai peanut sauce
  • Fuji apple slices
  • chocolate Pocky for a bit of a treat

spring is in the air...

Busy weekend. I got no writing done this weekend, unfortunately (and synopsis still isn't done...) but I/we did get other things done. Did some housecleaning -- well, straightening, really...we're so far behind that we have to clean before we can clean! -- and the house looks marginally less like a sty than it did. The weather was just beautiful and we were able to open up all the windows throughout the house to really give it a good airing. Still have mountains of laundry to fold and put away and the floors all need to be swept and vacuumed (and if I were really going to do things right, I'd dust, but HAHAHAHAHAHA); perhaps I can tackle those this week. Oh, and I had to get all my monthly reports to my website clients and then everything invoiced, but that's all done at last.

Also got the soil in the garden beds worked and the compost from our compost bin amended into the soil, so they'll be ready for the starts we started earlier this spring. The starts trays are all out there now to acclimate to being outside and then we can go ahead and plant. Can't wait to get that garden going!

And because it was so nice out, we grilled! Well, Sal grilled, so today's lunch comes courtesy of last night's yummy leftovers.

pink strawberry sidecar (for breakfast):

  • a-little-less-than-half an English muffin with strawberry preserves
  • honey & nuts granola
  • Greek yogurt with a dollop of strawberry preserves in the mini sidecar

black strawberry box:

  • grilled chicken skewers marinated in a Thai peanut sauce
  • jasmine rice (made in a beef broth, which is why it's brown)
  • steamed broccoli
  • fresh mango slices
  • dark chocolate covered raisins
  • dried cherries as gap fillers

breakfast, lunch, and dinner

I cooked last night! Like, a lot, actually. I had stuff to use up so I ended up making two separate entrees, which meant something heftier for breakfast than my usual. Hence two of the smaller boxes for a full day of meals instead of a larger box for lunch and a sidecar for breakfast.

Paris slimline box:

  • bottom tier is a breakfast scramble made with cheese and some spinach and leek that needed to be used up in the crisper
  • top tier (to go with lunch) is kiwi slices with orange sections underneath, and on the other side, rainbow carrots and a teensy handful of dark chocolate covered raisins

I actually made a HUGE scramble in order to use up all the spinach and the leek, which worked out well because A) the aforementioned hefty breakfast and B) breakfast for Sal, who had to go in earlier than usual today, OR C) leftovers for my dinner tonight, if he decided not to eat them for breakfast. I am so clearly awesome.

pink "Natural Lunch" box:

  • pork chop, cut into strips for easy eating with chopsticks -- this ain't no puny 1/4" thick cut that I used to think is what a pork chop is (in my pre-New Seasons days), this is a nice 1" thick center cut that was done in a good, hot pan with a bit of sea salt and ground peppercorns and is therefore yummy
  • green beans sauteed with onions (I made these after the chops and deglazed the pan in order to get some good flavor and color on the beans and onions)
  • honey-glazed roasted sweet potatoes (OMG I COULD EAT THESE AS A SNACK SO GOOD)

I brought my camera today in order to do better justice to this lunch than the cameraphone would. Because it's kind of stupendously tasty, if I do say so myself, and I knew that it wasn't going to look nearly as great as it actually tastes, and that wouldn't really be fair to the food. YES I PONDER THE PHOTOGENIC QUALITIES OF MY FOOD AND HOW THAT MIGHT AFFECT ITS SELF-ESTEEM DON'T JUDGE ME.


odds 'n ends

Can you tell that I haven't had time to cook in, like, weeks? At some point I really will have regular meals, or at least the leftovers of regular meals. And not the leftovers of something that my husband made, but something that I actually cooked, for myself.

Bottom tier:

  • rice mixed with an orange-ginger Thai sauce surrounding a hard-boiled egg
  • rolls of herb-roasted turkey slices on forked picks (toted in the chopsticks compartment and stuck in afterward)
  • baby carrots cut up and tucked in, and steamed broccoli for gap fillers

Top tier:

  • kiwi slices alternating with orange sections
  • dried cherries and dark chocolate-covered raisins with dried mango slices as baran

lesson learned

A very pedestrian bento today, but considering it was thrown together in a little over 5 minutes (not counting egg cooking time), it's more impressive than it looks. Leftovers, leftovers everywhere....

  • homemade beef stew (the last of the leftovers from the coast)
  • brown rice packed around a hard-boiled egg (a large instead of a jumbo so I didn't bother molding it)
  • orange sections and green grapes in one half, baby carrots and honey peanut butter for dipping
  • small containers of soy sauce (for the rice) and salt (for the egg and stew)
  • organic chocolate bar from Moonstruck (this will mark the fourth time I've packed this particular bar in my lunch, so we'll see if I actually get around to eating some of it)

Since I was off last week to write, I didn't do any bentos at all, even though I thought about at least doing them for lunches since I have a tendency to let time get away from me when I'm writing. Sure enough, that's exactly what happened all week, and I didn't end up eating as well or wholesomely as I could have or should have. I mean, I didn't eat a bunch of junk food (key words: "a bunch" :), but I also didn't fix a nice meal for myself and went for long stretches without eating (i.e., I'd forget to eat breakfast & lunch, and then suddenly be ravenous at around 9 PM).

It was actually a good thing, because it made me realize that if -- no, WHEN -- I'm writing full-time, keeping a regular routine of bentos will help me maintain consistency and healthy eating. It's such work to get into and maintain that writing groove that my tendency is to not want to break from it for any reason. When things are flowing, you want it to last as long as you can...like catching that perfect wave and riding it all the way to the end (she says, as if she knows diddly about surfing...).

So I know I'm not going to stop and make myself something, and will in fact just heat whatever's in the fridge or (as happened last week, when the fridge became increasingly bare) scrounge whatever I can find and call it good -- crackers and some grapes, or a leftover sausage and a carrot and piece of chocolate, or juice and toast (examples of "meals" I ate last week). Random combinations that are just whatever's easily at hand and doesn't require any real effort. If it's occasional, that's fine, but not day after day.

So I figure if i have a lunch all ready to go, put together the night before just like I do now for work, then I don't have to break if I'm on a roll, but I'm still getting all the benefits of eating something filling and well-balanced.


is the universe trying to tell us something?

I worked Friday almost non-stop from the moment my feet hit the floor in the morning to 6 PM when ProcrastiGirl arrived to keep me company while I ran around the house throwing things into boxes and bags for our trip. And helped me plow through the ridiculous pile of dishes, and very politely and kindly ignored the tumbling tumbleweeds of cat hair and layers of dust thick enough to plant seeds in. I am still mortified that I left the house in such a state for a friend kind enough to watch it and the cats for us while we're gone, but I suppose at some point you have to admit that life sometimes gets the better of you and trust that those closest to you will overlook it and not use it for blackmail. I don't know what I ever did to have such dear and generous friends, but I am grateful. (Who also, ALSO, brought delicious homemade cookies and treats for us DO YOU SEE WHAT I MEAN HERE?)

Anyway, I managed to have everything packed and ready by the time Sally arrived home that evening, and we had the car loaded in short order, said our goodbyes to the kitties and ProcrastiGirl, and were on our way at a quarter after eleven Friday night. It was rainy, but by the time we got onto Hwy 6 and started our way up into the Coast Range, encountering some slush but nothing worse, made the (hilariously mistaken) observation that if the roads were no worse than that, then we should be okay going over (compared to our trip two years ago almost to the day, when we drove through there late at night in the midst of a snow storm because that's just how we roll). Twenty minutes later, Mother Nature laughed in my face. Snow and rain coming down so hard we were driving blind at times, the road covered in a layer of white just thin enough to make driving extra dangerous but not thick enough to let you get any kind of traction, and of course all through an area that's nothing but steep drops and hairpin turns. The next forty minutes were very tense and silent as we navigated our way up and over, and I admit my stomach did a somersault or ten. But we arrived safely in Tillamook about 2 hours after leaving home, a trip that only took about 30 minutes longer than it would've under better conditions.

Now, there are only a few stoplights in all of Tillamook to begin with, pretty much all along where the 101 goes through town and since it was after midnight, the stoplights were blinking. And as you cross the 101 coming from the east, there are actually two stoplights right in a row, less than a block from each other, so of course they were both blinking. Which is no big deal, but I think after that drive, Sally just had his guard down or something, and there was no traffic (it's Tillamook, at 1 AM on a Friday night), and he was just focused on that second flashing stoplight because the first one looks like a warning that there's a stop coming up, not as a stop of its own.

You can see where this is going.He had just started to say as he was going through the first one (not speeding or anything, just 20 or 25 mph) without stopping that he should've stopped (which I'd been wondering if he'd noticed it, but didn't want to nag him about it since he'd just driven like a champ through such challenging conditions), when right behind us, of course, red and blue lights go off. I'm sure they must get quite a few people with tickets there, because that cop was just sitting, waiting. (Which...nothing against him or anything, but we were clearly fish in a barrel.)

He was a nice guy, though he did go ahead and issue the citation instead of a warning. A $297 ticket, to be precise. For running a red light with no traffic in Podunk, Oregon. (Yes, yes, still dangerous, still a traffic violation, yada yada.) Again, not knocking him -- we'd clearly run the light and it was a legitimate stop -- it's just...well I mean...seriously, Universe? Srsly? And since we obviously aren't going to make a trip out here for traffic court, our options are basically to plead guilty or no contest (the latter being an option that may give us a lighter fine, and to which we can send in a letter to argue for reasons why we should). Well, we'll do that, but we did run the light no question, so it's unlikely we'll get a reduction.  Which officially makes this the most expensive trip to Oceanside we've ever made.

But we arrived in Oceanside at last, almost 1:30 in the morning, to relatively low winds and semi-clear night skies (a surprise, considering the storm that had come through earlier that day). We'd just started unloading the car, however, when it started to hail. YES WE GOT THE MESSAGE UNIVERSE.

We were both dog tired but also wound up, so we didn't hit the sheets until 3:30, and ended up sleeping in yesterday morning. Which is why it took until late afternoon yesterday to really sink in that we were actually on vacation. In fact when I woke up, I was disoriented and confused about why I wasn't in my own bed and it took a few minutes to figure it out.

Nonetheless, we've both had a chance to unwind and unclench a bit from the hectic pace we've been at for the last few weeks. We've had great stormy weather and the tides have been way, way high. It's pretty great, actually. We did our smorgasbord late yesterday afternoon while it was storming outside, rain pelting the door and windows of the cabin, and watched Charade, all snuggled up and cozy. (nothing like a good classic movie on a blustery day) We walked the beach in the rain and picked up a good rock for the garden, and watched some favorite shows and played some games and stayed up late like errant teenagers.

click to see full photo galleryIt cleared up a bit this afternoon so we went up to Cape Meares to take some pics with the new camera (and see the damage those two shitheads did to the lighthouse). We're now back to the cabin with our signature crockpot supper simmering away. And it's quite nice outside right now, overcast but warm and not windy, so we'll probably get a bit more time on the beach before dark or before the next front moves in, whichever comes first. We had a nice breakfast this morning as we sat at the table by the window, watching the waves roll in, and then I was hit with a great inspiration for part of book 2 that's had me stuck for awhile, so I'm making some progress there. I'll make some cookies for a treat tonight after our dinner while we watch a movie, and maybe if it's clear enough, we'll walk the beach in the dark.


juggling with one hand tied behind my back

So. Today is the culmination of a very stressful and jam-packed week, and is the last day that I'll be in the office before next week's vacation. Which would be a busy, hectic day anyway, but in addition to it being billing week (and all that entails), and a pile of things that I have to get done somehow before I go, I also have two(!) presentations today. I just finished the first one (and kicked ass, if I may say so) and the other will be right after lunch, which meant I had to pack something to eat that could be scarfed down quickly in between AND that could keep me going long enough to get done everything I need to before I leave today. Oh, and I had to do it with the very, very last of anything edible in the house (no time to go to the store), so...considering what I had to work with, this is actually one of my more impressive lunches.

Using my "Deli Club" box today, which has been a bit neglected with the addition of all the new boxes to the mix.

  • smoked sausages and molded egg with peas underneath and broccoli as gap fillers
  • peas and carrot sticks
  • dried mango and dried cherries, with a wee dark chocolate bar from Equal Exchange that was included in our organics bin awhile back

The Oregon Coast awaits me in just about 36 hours, and I've already planned that when I get home tonight, I'll run a bath, use one of my bath bombs I got for my birthday, and enjoy a Velvet Painting cupcake from Cupcake Jones as a reward for getting through this day/week. I figure with all that to look forward to, it'll be juuuuuuust the incentive I need to accomplish the impossible at work today.