It starts...

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA You guys remember that time I said "oh, i will be working from home woe no bento for me"??????
Yeah, I totally put one together anyway. About 5.38 seconds after you all said, "do eeeet!". Actually, it was fun putting one together last night for today. I mean, even though I'm at home, I still get so wrapped up in what I'm doing sometimes that I forget to eat something, sometimes until late, so this is probably a pretty good thing. And did I mention, fun? I did? Okay then.
- leftovers from Saturday night (that I made): chicken noodle soup made with a box of cream of portabello mushroom soup that needed to be used up, some carrots, two whole chicken legs that were on sale at New Seasons, an onion, and some fresh egg fettucine from Pastaworks; the parsley was some leftover from the broccoli cheese soup the weekend before that I'd intended to chop and add at the end, but forgot, so we've just been adding it each time we heat up a bowl of leftovers since
- peas! with some colby cheese star shapes*
- hard-boiled egg with a sprig of parsley; small container has raisins and macadamia nuts
- satsuma orange wedges
- drink bottle: pineapple juice
*Here's a funny thing about those little stars. We only have a few random cookie/biscuit cutter type things, and none of them are small. But we do have a little red cutout thing that has four small shapes on it. That particular cutter is, literally, older than I am -- it came in a box of old kitchen items my mom gave us when we got our first apartment and has traveled with us ever since. I've kept it for nostalgic reasons, not because we ever made cute, teensy little cookies with it, or colorful decorations for cookies or cakes, but because my brother and I used it for Playdoh. In fact, I'm fairly certain that if I showed it to my brother without saying anything, he'd recognize it instantly.

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