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Needs some green

Another mishmash, trying to use things up. That, and I was super tired when I got home, though I didn't work late. Instead, a friend and I went to the movie (more below) so I didn't get home until late. Fun times, but still feeling ick, so I just don't have a lot of energy right now. Meh.

But a good lunch is more important than ever, so. Kind of an inadvertent color scheme going on here, with all the orange/cream/brown going on. Random!

clockwise from right:

  • two of the adorablest satsuma oranges that arrived in our latest organics bin and a teensy bit of Sal's most perfectest carrot cake (it has walnuts, coconut and pineapple, and sometimes raisins though not this particular cake, with cream cheese frosting and a wee marzipan carrot)
  • organic vegetable soup*
  • apple-spice chicken sausage, the last of the jasmine rice made in broth, and carrot sticks

*From a can. I keep a couple of cans of organic soups on hand for times like this, when I don't have the time/energy to make something for dinner, let alone lunch. Especially when I'm sick and there's a downpour outside -- soup is just the thing. Well, and I just eat a lot of soup anyway. God bless my Ms. Bento.

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