Almost a theme

Back to the office today. This will be the only day I'm in this week, but I think this will be the last week of needing to stay home more to work on The Project from Hell. OMG so ready to be done with it.
Don't know why, but I got a little arty today. Not intentionally, it just kind of came together like that. But the more I look at it, I realize that I could've gone the whole way and made a garden picnic theme. Though that would've required more thought and effort and I think we've established already that I am laaazy. ;)
- celery, peanut butter, and dried cranberries, which I've decided to call red ants on a log :)
- dark chocolate-covered raisins in the side container
- wraps (black forest ham, muenster, in spinach tortillas) with red leaf lettuce to eat with them and rainbow carrots as gap fillers
- deviled egg "flowers" with pea pods as "leaves"
- Enterprise apple slices
bento box - laptop lunch in
bento 2.0 baby!,

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