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party all the time, party all the time, party all the ti-ime

And now you'll have that song in your head all day. You're welcome.

We had an inadvertent weekend of parties, hootenannies, and shindigs. As in, we didn't really plan it that way, it just sort of happened.

Witness: Friday was my company picnic and yesterday was a house warming* followed by the monthly neighborhood Happy Hour potluck. As if we're all trying to cram a full summer into the considerably shortened season we've been stuck with this year.  It's surprisingly exhausting kicking back and having fun, but doubly so when you're making up for lost time by tripling up on the festivities.

I know, right? These are just tough problems to have....

*One of Sal's coworkers was celebrating being back in their newly-renovated home. They had had a fire in their basement that caused extensive smoke damage to the rest of the house and necessitated basically gutting it and rebuilding the inside, as well as having everything that could be salvaged cleaned and restored. It took 14(!) months, but their house looks terrific and you would never know that it had been the site of such a terrible event. Since their house had already been warmed quite enough by the fire, thankyouverymuch, the party was actually a "house chilling".

lunch, blue bunny & moons:

  • Tuscan roasted turkey breast, with a bit of romaine lettuce to eat it with
  • carrots and cucumbers
  • rosemary roasted potatoes
  • cantaloupe and cherries
  • garlic dill cheese curds
  • cashews and dark chocolate-covered raisins

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Reader Comments (4)

You like cheese curds? Is it the way they squeak against your teeth?
It was a weekend of FUN FUN FUN!!! :)

Aug 1, 2011 at 5:35 PM | Unregistered CommenterTara

Hee! I LOVE that squeaky cheese thing! Although the ones we get from New Seasons don't really squeak. But their garlic dill curds are to die for.

It was a weekend of fun fun fun. Too bad it wore me out...must be getting old.

Aug 1, 2011 at 11:12 PM | Registered CommenterBitty

Your weekend of "parties, hootenannies, and shindigs" describes my entire summer! It is exhausting isn't it? But in a good way, of course.

Aug 8, 2011 at 8:58 AM | Unregistered CommenterTammy

@ Tammy: So exhausting! But it's not the sort of thing you can really complain about because PARTIES! HOOTENANNIES! SHINDIGS! When else would we get to use such ridiculous words?

Aug 15, 2011 at 2:31 PM | Registered CommenterBitty

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