signs that it's time to go back to bed and try again tomorrow

but the day wasn't all bad, thanks to a rare snow fallYou put your bra on inside out, wondering all the while why it's so hard to get on, and spend the entire day feeling like Something Is Not Quite Right.
The breakfast that you could've sworn you packed does not, in fact, exist.
You wonder what that annoying clicking sound is as you drive to work, only to realize that it's the turn signal that you forgot to turn off three exits ago.
You repeatedly enter your debit card pin as your computer password, getting increasingly irritated at someone in IT for no good reason.
Every attempt at drinking water from your water bottle has resulted in water dribbling down the front of your shirt and caused you to check for a hole in an insulated stainless steel container instead of, you know, your head.
My life, ladies and gentlemen.
- salmon cake
- pumpkin seeds
- green beens sauteed in sesame oil, with black and white sesame seeds
- peas
- carrot sticks
- candies made by Chef Sal: nougat (with dried cherries and pistachios), chocolate caramels, and mango gelees
Reader Comments (3)
Aaargh! I hope the days since have been much, much better.
Well, they certainly couldn't have gotten much worse, I don't think! :) But yes, things improved after that.
I can totally relate to those days!