on the nature of the unintended hiatus

You know how you get behind on something, and then you finally get a minute to do that thing, but you're so behind that you don't know where to start so you don't? And then you just get more behind and it seems like too much to even begin, and the whole thing just kind of snowballs into a big icy ball of Do Not Want?
Welcome to the last two months of website non-updateyness.
We have been busy, yes, but not significantly more than our usual Hamster Wheel O'Crazy, so it's not attributable to some new escalation. And some of those busy things have included many fun and exciting things. Things which include adventures and hilarity and sometimes even photographic evidence! Things that are, in short, terrific website fodder. The radio silence is therefore also not attributable to a lack of material about which to post.
So we will chalk it up to a case of needing to cut something out for awhile in order to maintain sanity. Also: laziness.
In any case...hello! I have many things to tell you about! I will probably tell you about most of them! If I feel like it! I will probably forget something I meant to tell you about! I will include pictures! If it's not too much work! It will probably be too much work! Because I am lazy, as previously established! Some of the topics I plan to tell you about if I'm not overcome by an overpowering desire to do something else:
- The Great Gallstone Adventure of 2012!
- Why family is totes the best!
- Sal's birthday!
- All of the many movies we have seen recently! See also: geeks are the greatest.
- That time I was 20 feet from Gary Lightbody and totally didn't lose my shit! Except for maybe a little bit!
- Girls' Road Trip!
- Girls' Art Weekend! Launched with an actual Mad Hatters' Party! Because I am the raddest.
So, you know. Those things might be stuff to look forward to hearing about. Although that really puts a lot of pressure on me to make them interesting, and I don't need the stress (see also: gallstones), so I make no promises. Also, vacation starts in two weeks so I am a kitten distracted by shiny objects right now.